Sister Chan Khong
Sister Chân Không (birth name Cao Ngoc Phuong) was born in a village on the Mekong River Delta in 1938. She has devoted her life to the development and practice of nonviolence grounded in the Buddhist precepts of non-killing and compassionate action. She is part of the community of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and lives in Plum Village, France.

- €13.00
Beginning Anew
Four Steps to Restoring Communication
View this bookIn Beginning Anew, Sister Chân Không shares a concrete, four-part process that can help anyone clear up misunderstandings, communicate more honestly and openly with the people around them, and heal...
- €15.00
Deep Relaxation
Coming Home to Your Body
View this bookFor nearly 30 years Sister Chan Khong’s Deep Relaxation practice has been a highlight for thousands of people who have attended Order of Interbeing Buddhist retreats. With Deep Relaxation the...
- €22.00
Learning True Love
Practicing Buddhism in a Time of War
View this bookIn January of 2005, after nearly 40 years in exile, Sister Chân Không was able to return on a 3-month visit to Vietnam. In this fully revised edition of Learning...