Publisher Hisae Matsuda reading Dharma teacher and author Sister Dang Nghiem's latest book Flowers in the Dark In celebration of Women’s History Month, I wanted to spotlight our own Publisher,…

In Celebration of Black History and Black Futures
Kaira Jewel Lingo I was lucky enough to be able to mark the official end of Black History Month with a touching and all around inspiring interview with Dharma teacher…

COVID-19 community update
Dear Parallax Press community, We hope this moment finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since the…

Flowers in the Dark
When working to understand and heal past trauma, this new book by Sister Dang Nghiem, MD gives us a remarkable set of mindfulness practices to help us in the process…

The Art of Leadership
How to restore harmony to ourselves and our nation? In this extract from a talk just after the inauguration of Barack Obama, Thich Nhat Hanh draws parallels between a president’s…

Peace Work and Engaged Buddhism
Engaged Buddhism—taking action in life, and changing our world—is the practice we must develop so that we can manifest the world we know is possible. We know it's possible to…

The Cosmos Inside Us
Heaven isn't up there, it's here. A writer reflects on the spiritual connections between ourselves, our conduct, and our planet in climate crisis, during a visit to Plum Village. By…

I Vow Not to Burn Out
As life under COVID-19 continues to challenge and warp our collective living, and in the United States we face the work of bringing real, meaningful justice and equality to bear,…