Organic Meditation Cushion – Mindful Sitting Support with Buckwheat Filling

Enhance Your Meditation with the Organic Buckwheat Cushion

Comfortable and sustainable meditation support from Plum Village.


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In the Plum Village tradition, sitting meditation is a core mindfulness practice that invites us to stop, let go of our daily worries, and simply be with our breath. With the Organic Meditation Cushion, you can enhance your practice by finding a comfortable, stable seat that supports your body as you settle into mindfulness. Whether you prefer sitting cross-legged, in the half or full lotus, or kneeling with the cushion between your legs, this soft, eco-friendly cushion helps you maintain an upright, relaxed posture, allowing you to focus fully on your breath.

“Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Made in France with care and filled with organic buckwheat/spelt harvested near Plum Village, this cushion provides the support needed for long, peaceful meditation sessions. The cushion features two washable cotton covers for easy maintenance, and the Breath and Smile calligraphy by Thich Nhat Hanh is lovingly embroidered, serving as a gentle reminder of the joy of mindful living.

Comfort and Stability for Your Meditation Practice

Finding a comfortable, stable position is key to enjoying the practice of sitting meditation. The Organic Meditation Cushion offers the perfect support for your body, allowing you to sit with ease and relaxation. As you sit, imagine a thread gently pulling up through your spine, allowing your back to remain upright, your chest open, and your shoulders relaxed. This posture helps to prevent strain or tension, ensuring that you can remain present with your breath without distraction.

Whether you’re sitting cross-legged, in the half-lotus or full-lotus position, or kneeling, this meditation cushion adjusts to your needs, providing balance and comfort. The cushion’s organic buckwheat filling molds to your body, creating the ideal support for your meditation journey. By feeling grounded and comfortable, you can let go of tension and fully immerse yourself in the present moment.

Embodying Mindfulness with Each Breath

In Plum Village, we practice sitting meditation not as a formal or rigid activity but as a joyful opportunity to simply be. With the Organic Meditation Cushion, you can bring this tradition into your daily life, using it as a tool to support both your body and your mindfulness practice. As you sit, you may choose to place your hands in your lap or on your knees, and close your eyes or leave them softly open. With each breath, you bring your awareness back to the present moment, letting go of any thoughts, worries, or tensions that arise.

Breathing in, I am aware of my breath.
Breathing out, I smile.
In. Out.

This is the heart of mindful sitting—to cultivate peace, ease, and joy with every breath, while resting on the stability of your organic meditation cushion. As we sit, we remember that there is no need to achieve or attain anything. We simply allow ourselves to be, to enjoy each breath, and to smile at the miracle of life.



Additional information

Additional information

Weight2.1 kg
Dimensions30 × 30 × 30 cm

Sitting meditation is one of the basic Plum Village mindfulness practices. Brother Phap Luu offers guidance on how we can get started.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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